What Happened to IMSHealth.com?
IMS Health was an American enterprise whose core business involved delivering technology, services, and data to the health care sector. On its website, IMSHealth.com , the company called itself the “world's leading provider of information solutions to the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.” The acronym IMS stands for Intercontinental Medical Statistics. Today, attempting to find IMSHealth.com comes back with a short message, “The page you requested was removed.” What could have happed to a resource that once said that it delivered services supporting more than 30 million people and 35,000 pharmaceutical sales executives in more than 90 countries? We took some time to follow the history of IMSHealth.com. We focus on the services provided by the organization, its numerous acquisitions, and how it fought attempts to stop it from collecting data in one state. Finally, we attempt to find out what happened to it. The History of IMSHealth.com IMSHealth.com is c...